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Made some changes based on feedback from the Ludum Dare community and added v1.0.1 (Windows & Linux) to the downloads.

  • faster aiming
  • better rate of fire
  • wider camera angle
  • outlines on the enemies to help separate them from the background
  • bugfix: fixed the cursor in the game over/game won screens
  • bugfix: fixed some collider issues letting the player get caught on the scenery
  • increased the reticle size

I'm leaving 1.0.0 up, as this was the one originally submitted in the final minutes of the game jam.

Added a Linux build, but don't have the ability to test it :-)

It works on my computer ;)

Thanks for the comment, that's good to know!

Sorry folx, lots of people let me know the web build wasn't working so I've taken it down -- you'll have to use the Windows downloadable, which seems to work fine :-)